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Is Strabismus Surgery Right For You?

If you’re wondering whether strabismus surgery is right for you, read on to learn more about the symptoms, recovery time, and cost. Then you can make an informed decision about whether the procedure is right for you. Strabismus surgery can be an effective way to correct the eye and correct vision. This type of surgery is usually performed after recession or resection surgery and allows the eye to move in its proper alignment. Strabismus surgery is only performed on adults; children do not need it. During this type of surgery, the surgeon adjusts the sutures to create a perfect alignment for the eye. Sutures are removed from the eye and the eyelids heal naturally within six weeks.


After strabismus surgery, patients may experience moderate pain in their eyes. Some patients experience aching soreness that is associated with eye movement, which usually improves within a few days. Other people experience surface irritation. Pain is generally mild or moderate and not always accompanied by fever or vomiting. Adults may also experience some discomfort, although naps seem to do the trick better for kids. If you think that your child needs strabismus surgery, make an appointment with your surgeon today.

Most patients can have the procedure performed on both eyes. This surgery can help alleviate many symptoms and restore eye alignment. Patients who undergo strabismus surgery may experience blurred vision and other vision problems, but most patients do not experience severe eye discomfort. Many patients experience a range of pain during the procedure, but recovery time is usually minimal. Patients can return to work as soon as a few days after surgery. However, there are some common side effects of strabismus surgery that may require follow-up visits or glasses.


Before deciding whether or not to undergo strabismus surgery, you must consider which of the following factors should be considered. One thing to consider is that the surgery can cause moderate pain. This is not uncommon and is often associated with eye movement. You may also experience redness and faint tears. Minor changes can be made on the day of the surgery. Most people report an improvement in their vision after the procedure. The pain can be moderate or severe. Your provider will discuss what medications you should take on the day of surgery.

A child with strabismus may need to undergo surgery at a young age. Surgical treatments for strabismus aim to straighten the eye. A straightened eye allows a child to develop normal depth perception and binocular vision. The crossed eye, however, can interfere with motor skills, coordination, and even self-confidence. In young children, surgery is recommended to correct which of the following eye problems.


After strabismus surgery, your child will probably experience discharge and unusual secretions from the eye. Your child will likely have blood-streaked tears and mucus. The blood is the result of the incisions made into the eye’s surface, and mucus is a normal response. Although it may be sticky and dry, it won’t harm your child. You can gently wipe away the tears with a wet washcloth.

Adjustable suture strabismus surgery can be done under local or topical anaesthesia. The latter is better for cooperative patients with complex strabismus or a surgical outcome that is unpredictable. In most cases, an adjustable suture is used. In addition to using a double-armed 6-0 polyglactin suture, a full-thick lock bite is inserted into the muscle tendon.


The cost of strabismus surgery varies greatly from person to person, and comparing strabismus surgeries side by side can be difficult. Many facilities do not publish their prices online, and these prices vary based on several factors, including location and cost of living. This may also mean that some surgeries cost more than others. Travelling to a different city for treatment can increase your out-of-pocket costs.

Before undergoing strabismus surgery, you should understand the procedure itself. The procedure involves adjusting the length and position of the eye muscle. The surgeon then ties a permanent knot and stretches it to the eye wall. There are two different suturing techniques: adjustable suture technique and standard knot. The standard suturing technique involves tying a permanent knot at the end of the surgery, while the adjustable suture technique uses a temporary knot in an accessible position and then ties a permanent suture when the desired alignment is achieved.

Amniotic membrane

Amniotic membrane was applied over the superior rectus muscle during strabismus surgery in a recent study. The resulting membrane reduced tissue inflammation and decreased scarring. The membrane was applied directly onto the resected SR muscle plane without sutures. The procedure was performed on rabbits, who underwent superior rectus muscle recession in both eyes. A randomly selected eye was operated on first, with enucleation to be done two weeks later.

The use of amniotic membrane is a viable option for treating ocular pathology and reducing pathologic scarring. Amniotic membrane has been used since the 1940s for conjunctival substitutes in eye surgery. However, fresh amniotic membrane was difficult to obtain and carried a risk of bloodborne virus infection. More recently, the availability of alternative sources of membrane was improved.

Surgical plan

After a thorough exam, a surgeon may decide on a surgical plan for correcting strabismus. During the surgery, muscles are assessed to determine whether they are strong enough to hold the eyelids open. If necessary, they are weakened. The surgeon may place prisms in the patient’s eyes to see where the surgery needs to take place. Patients should be aware of the risks associated with strabismus surgery before deciding whether to undergo it.

Surgery for strabismus typically involves the medial or lateral recti. In some cases, the recurrence of this eye condition may require multiple rectus surgeries. The procedure must be mechanically precise and safe, since a faulty technique can result in an anterior segment ischemia. In some cases, a misplaced suture may perforate the globe, or the anterior Tenon capsule may become weakened, leading to fibrosis of the adjacent extraocular muscles. If an under-corrected eye is resulting, the surgical plan may need to be revised after the measurements stabilize.