What should be important Features of Healthcare medical app?
The healthcare industry is evolving rapidly with the transformation in digital technologies. The global digital healthcare market is expected to reach over $200 billion by 2020. Another forecast predicts the medical mobile apps market to cross $11 billion by 2025 with a growth of at least 50,000 healthcare apps.
With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, an increasing number of people are becoming more concerned about their health and fitness. Therefore, healthcare apps are extending their coverage to cater to a diverse range of user needs. They are becoming more personalized to offer patient care, fitness tracking, nutritional information, diet schedules, workouts, medical assistance, etc.
Gone are the days, when Doctors were using Cleanroom Pens and writing medicines on paper, right now, we have healthcare E-prescription apps which schedule online meetings for doctors and patients and keep your data online.
Factors to consider for the optimum functionality of a healthcare app
To ensure the optimum functionality of a healthcare app, there are various factors that developers should keep in mind while developing the app. Optimum functionality of an app is achieved when the app is easy to use and works smoothly across all platforms providing value to all its users.
Let’s take a look at some of the factors that contribute to the optimum functionality of a healthcare app.
Create a user guide
The healthcare app developers should create a user guide to make the UI/UX easy to understand and navigate for users. The app should come with a comprehensive user guide or a series of sections answering questions that start with ‘how-to’. The user guide makes it easy for patients to communicate with doctors and access their medical information without any difficulties or confusion.
The guide usually contains step-by-step instructions detailing the workflow of the healthcare app. User guides help resolve numerous issues and save time for the medical staff in teaching patients how to use the app.
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Optimize as per target hardware
While developing a healthcare app, generally more than one platform is targeted. Developers usually create Web apps, Android apps, and iOS apps. Users interact differently with apps on a smartphone or on a desktop or tablet. It is also important to know that apps that are optimized for a tablet are capable of accommodating more functionality than those on a smartphone.
Therefore, enterprise healthcare apps are likely to be used more on a tablet. Similarly, while a patient engagement app is better optimized for a tablet, a call a doctor app is better optimized for a smartphone. However, all apps irrespective of what they are optimized for should work well on all devices.
Consider UI/UX
The user interface and user experience have an important role to play in the success of a healthcare app. A healthcare app offers a different panel for doctors and patients to enter data frequently. The users should be able to navigate seamlessly within the app which can be ensured by a seamless UI/UX design. Optimum functionality of a healthcare app is achieved when the patients and doctors are able to use the app seamlessly.
Another important point to consider is the vulnerability of patients while seeking medical assistance and remedies from doctors through healthcare apps. A good UI/UX is one where the colors, fonts, and text of the app are aligned with the patients’ state of mind. The design should be attractive and create positive vibes for the users of the app.
Add API components
Apps largely rely on APIs for a continuous exchange of information. For instance, when a user logs into an app, an API request to connect the device to a remote server is what authenticates the login request.
Therefore, for the optimum functionality of a healthcare app, the developers have to add API components to enable device authentication for accessing a centralized patients’ repository. The app may also require additional APIs that are open to other parties such as suppliers and vendors.
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