Knowing The Menopause Symptoms Will Help You Recognize The Perimenopause
Menopause is a transition in every woman’s life. It is the time when ovaries start to function slow, and after some time, they shut down completely. This is a cause for all the changes that a woman is experiencing during the menopause and perimenopause.
Menopause starts later in life, around 50 years of age, but the symptoms can start earlier or later, even 10 years earlier. The hormone levels of estrogen and progesterone vary first, and later they production stops. This period is known as the perimenopause, and it’s the time when the body is preparing for menopause.
The difference is that during the perimenopause, you still have your period, but is quite irregular. You could have your period for some time, and after a few months, your period can absent. This will go on until your period stops, and that is the beginning of the menopause. It is necessary to pass at least 12 months so the doctor will register that you are in the menopause.
Menopause symptoms
Menopause symptoms usually begin in the perimenopause. The symptoms are emotionally, mentally, and physically and it can affect your everyday activities. There are a lot of symptoms, some of them are more severe than the others, and they are manifesting differently for every woman.
The well-known menopause symptoms are the hot flushes and night sweats. These symptoms are the most annoying for women. They come suddenly, they last for a few minutes, leaving you with sweat. They are mostly coming from the upper body, evoking redness on the chest, face, and neck. During the night, night sweats can be so unpleasant that they can wake you up, leaving you irritated.
Hot flushes and night sweats are the most annoying menopause symptoms
Along with the hot flushes, the symptom that many women are complaining about is the vaginal dryness. This problem causes pain during intercourse, and not only then, it can cause pain during sitting or peeing. The vaginal wall is getting thinner, and that can cause even an inflammation.
Other, not so heavy symptoms, can be mood swings, thin hair and nails, dry skin, headaches and other which you can check at symptoms of menopause according to Australian Menopause Centre.
Don’t get scared after everything you have read. During the perimenopause, there are many things you can do to help yourself. Start with changing your diet, regular exercises, some relaxing techniques, and that will already do wonders for your health. If you want to do more, or just to inform more, you can check perimenopause treatment made by Australian Menopause Centre.
Right remedies and treatments are well developed today to help you with the menopause symptoms
Final word
Although perimenopause and menopause can be harsh on your body, you can undertake steps which will reduce them to a minimum level, so you can enjoy your time during this period. Good doctor, good remedies and a healthy lifestyle are the keys for a great outcome.